Privacy Policy

This privacy policy is provided pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data in order to inform and obtain consent regarding the use of Cookies, the protection of any personal data accessible online through the website and the email addresses listed on the aforementioned website or linked to the domain The policy is provided only for the website mentioned and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links on this website.

The data controller, RAHM SRL, respects the privacy of its users and is committed to protecting the personal data they provide. In general, users can browse the website they are visiting without providing any personal information.

Personal data are collected and processed when needed by the website you are visiting in order to perform services required by users or when users themselves decide to explicitly communicate their personal data to RAHM SRL, by means of business cards, emails, etc.. In those cases, this privacy policy explains how the users’ personal data are collected and processed.

Data controller

Visiting this website may result in the processing of data related to identified or identifiable persons. The data controller is: RAHM SRL – Castano Primo (Milan), Via Modigliani n. 2/a. Tax Number: 02666940123, e-mail:

Place of data processing

The processing operations related to the web-based/digital services are carried out at the aforementioned office of the Data Controller exclusively by technical staff in charge of said processing, or else by persons tasked with such maintenance activities as may be necessary from time to time. Data related to the provision of the web service are supplied at the server farm of the web service provider. No data resulting from web-based services are communicated or disseminated to third parties.

Types of data processed

1.1 Navigation Data

The IT systems and the software procedures used to operate this website, while being normally used, can collect some personal data whose transmission is implicit while using the Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated to any identified persons; yet its same nature could make it possible to identify users, by means of special processing and associations with data held by third parties. The IP addresses or the domain names through which the users connect to the website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of request, the procedures used to submit the request to server, the file size of the reply, the numeric code indicating the status of the server’s reply (successfully delivered, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the users’ operating system or IT environment, fall within this category of data. These data are processed only for the strictly necessary time and for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to check its regular functioning. The data could be used by authorities to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the website.

1.2 Data voluntarily provided by users

The optional, explicit, and voluntary sending of emails to the addresses listed on this website or linked to the domain, or the compiling and sending of information requests will entail the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s email address – necessary to respond to requests – as well as any other personal data included in the message or transmitted to RAHM SRL. Specific summary information will be progressively reported or displayed on the website pages set up for particular services on request.

1.3 Particular or sensitive data

The controller neither requests nor collects any particular or sensitive personal data through this website.

1.4 Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that some websites send to the users’ hard drive when you visit the site. A cookie may contain information such as a user’s ID that the site uses to track the pages you visit. However, the only personal information a cookie can contain is the information provided by the user. A cookie cannot read the data on the user’s hard disk or cookies created by other sites. Cookies are used by some parts of the website to record users’ browsing activities and provide the requested services. If a user does not want to receive cookies while navigating the website, you can program your browser to warn you before accepting cookies and reject cookies when the browser alerts you to their presence. Users can reject all cookies by deactivating them in their browser. In so doing, users would not then be able to fully benefit of the advantages of the site, in particular if you want to access the reserved area for which registration and password are required. In any case, no personal data of users are intentionally acquired by the website. Neither cookies nor the so-called persistent cookies of any kind or any users’ tracking systems will be used for the transmission of personal information. The use of session cookies (that are only temporarily recorded on the user’s computer and that are deleted as soon as the browser is closed) is strictly limited to the transmission of session IDs necessary to perform a safe and efficient exploration of the site. The session cookies used on this website avoid any recourse to other IT techniques that are potentially prejudicial to the privacy of the users’ navigation and do not allow the collection of personal data which may identify users.

In the event the website contains sharing tools through social networking websites, cookies may be installed by their providers. These services are provided by third parties; for specific privacy policies please refer to the website of each third party.

Provision of personal data

Apart from what specified concerning navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data contained in the application forms or reported in contacts to request information material or other communication. Not providing them may make it impossible to obtain the information requested. The data collected will be exclusively used to send communication and information material related to RAHM SRL.

Methods of processing

Personal data are processed automatically and manually for no longer than it is necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected. Specific security measures are implemented to prevent the data from being lost, used unlawfully and/or inappropriately, and accessed without authorisation.

Data communication and/or dissemination

Personal data of the users who request information material are used for the sole purpose of providing the service requested and are communicated to third parties only in the following cases:

  • this is necessary to fulfil the requests;
  • their communication is compulsory to fulfil legal obligations or regulations.

Rights of the data subjects

In accordance with the provisions of Chapter III, Section 1, GDPR, the data subject may exercise the rights therein indicated, in particular:

  • Right of access – Article 15, GDPR
  • Right to rectification, Article 16, GDPR
  • Right to erasure – Article 17, GDPR
  • Right to restriction of processing – Article 18, GDPR
  • Right to data portability – Article 20, GDPR
  • Right to object – Article 21, GDPR
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority – Lodge a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority, Piazza di Montecitorio n. 121, 00186, Rome (RM).

The rights may be exercised by means of written communication to be sent by email, fax or registered mail to the addresses listed in the section DATA CONTROLLER of the present document.

Updates to our Privacy Policy

The controller reserves the right to fully or partially modify this Privacy Policy at any time, also in accordance with legal obligations. Please refer to the current version from time to time for possible changes.